You can't walk into a single store right now without seeing the word "SALE" in big letters all over the place. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, some people wait months, if not all year for these huge discounts. End of the year bonuses sometimes don't make it past the actual end of the year.
In the spirit of the sale season, Madison & Friends and The Denim Lounge are also playing part:
The first sale item = 30% off
Two - three sale items = 60% off
Four or more sale items = 70%
It doesn't get much more jolly than that.
Head over to Madison & Friends and The Denim Lounge now for a perfect ending to 2011. And Happy New Year!!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
It Get's Better And Better
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Madison and Friends
Monday, December 19, 2011
Last Chance!!
Whether it is because you have been obsessing over the perfect gift to give for the last two months or because you tend to procrastinate or because you just haven't had the time, it doesn't matter. Because there is still time left!! Tomorrow is the first night of Hanukkah and less than one week from today is Christmas. So there is hope yet! Maybe a cool sweater? Or jeans that will look better on them than any other pair they might own? Or even a gift card to let them be the ones to have all the fun? Options abound and they will love you the more for giving them something truly good looking rather than another tie or bathrobe.
Gift the best gift this season. HERE.
Happy Holidays!!!
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The best gifts are the ones that surprise and delight. They are the things that we really want but maybe wouldn't ever go out and buy for ourselves. They are the things that we cherish for much longer than any one holiday season. They are treasures.
What the best gifts aren't are mismatches, in which the gift doesn't at all fit the recipient. And the best gifts aren't generic either - they don't come from a bin of one million, in which every has the same (unless maybe it is an iPhone) - rather, they have the feeling of some kind of uniqueness, in which thought is involved. The best gifts are special.
And so get them something they will really love - current denim obsessions or the freshest tops and accessories out there. If you really can't decide, get them a Denim Lounge gift card. That is something not even Scrooge can deny.
Gift them HERE
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Big Cover-Up
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Graham & Spencer "Multi-Print Blouse" - Buy it Here |
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Free People "Romantics" Tunic - Buy it Here |
This time of year, while generally so festive and full of great cheer, has one tiny little drawback: we kind of end up gorging for about six weeks straight. Starting with Thanksgiving and heading all the way through New Year's, we have family gatherings, office parties, holiday parties, kids parties, and lots of leftovers all in between, which means come January 2nd we might not exactly be in our highest forms. But that is then and this is now. And rather than already worrying about that guilt, embrace it for now. It is the moment and it is the season and it only happens once a year. Stock up on loose blouses that reveal no holiday food bump whatsoever.
Indulge HERE
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Friday, November 25, 2011
I am trying to think if a more perfect term could exist for this long weekend of the year. Stuffing. Let us see just how well this word applies:
- Thursday morning - Stuff the turkey with stuffing.
- Thursday afternoon and then maybe again late Thursday night - Stomach is completely stuffed with stuffing and two hundred pounds of various other holiday foods.
- Thursday night/Friday morning (Depending on just how hard-core you really are) - Stuff everyone into the car and begin a day of sale-mania.
- Black Friday through Cyber Monday - Stuff your car with...stuff. Ship stuff to your house. Turn the word stuff into a verb - "stuffing": the act of buying a lot of stuff.
Visit the HOMEPAGE and FACEBOOK for more details...
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Just Right
Economically speaking, this country may not currently be at the pinnacle of its glory. We have been battling through a difficult few years. Many old businesses did not make it through. Some of the rocks, the standards, the founders, however, pulled through. Strong enough to stand the test of time, these bastions championed through and are a part of the reason we can be thankful that a light is at the end of the recessionary tunnel. A thriving, growing business is good for the economy. Consumer sales bolster this company, and a bolster is just what we need right now.
So welcome the newest location of Madison & Friends!! Slated to open on Black Friday, the newest member of this iconic company will be opening its doors right across the street from its ever popular counterpart - The Denim Lounge - on Roscoe Street in Roscoe Village. Stocked with great kids stuff from newborn up to size 7, the store will be a welcome addition to the very kid friendly neighborhood. There will be great gifts for both boys and girls.
Show some economic love. Like Madison & Friends on Facebook to keep up with the latest new store news!!
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Easiest Costume Ever
Whether it was a last minute invite, indecision, no time, or sheer laziness, there will always be those of us who need a costume basically yesterday for a Halloween bash. So what is the easiest solution ever? Go Goth. Yup. Dress all in black, maybe use some of the temporary black hair color, tread heavily in black boots, pile on some silver skull and dagger jewelry, and use some heavy heavy eye liner along with that black mascara (yes, even you, guys; especially you). Most of us already own something black and so this outfit could essentially cost little to no money. But even if you have to shell out a little bit, it is worthwhile in the long run, as black will always be something you can wear again and again.
So get in touch with your dark side. Shop for goth NOW.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, October 24, 2011
Slasher Flick
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Graham & Spencer "Manhattan" Top - Buy it Here |
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Karina Grimaldi "Mariana" Top - Buy it Here |
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Karina Grimaldi "Romana" Top - Buy it Here |
Exactly one week until Halloween! Are you ready? And what will you be? Want to be ghoulish now without actually looking like a true freak until the 31st? Then begin by sporting tops that remind us of slasher movies. Ripped shoulders, slits on the arms - these are the things of horror stories. Yet when the slits are placed just right and sewn up perfectly, the tops become less fright and more fashion.
So get your creepy freak on now, before the real scares begin...SHOP
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Fall Hard
As we slowly creep further and further into Fall (which its really quite hard to believe that we are already there), all of the things that are synonymous with this time of year once more begin to fill our heads. Pumpkins, ghouls, cobwebs, and zombies. Colored leaves, grey days, and stashes of candy. And ravens. The black birds seem to somehow always creep their way into all the corners of Fall. They adorn the skies of haunted houses, perch on headstones in both real and fake (i.e. front lawns on October 31st) graveyards, and raid cornfields, scarecrows or not. Edgar Allan Poe paid poetic homage to them in a classically chilling tale. The raven cannot be overlooked at this time of year. Nor should it be overlooked ever in the closets of men. Raven Denim is a line that has been perfectly crafted for years now and has gained a cult following who all know what their talking about. The fits are so sleek and so flatteringly manly, that you can be sure they will always hit the mark when you leave the house. The perfect jean for night, they also carry their sophisticated weight during the day, giving a cleaned up crispness even to your rattiest t-shirt.
Remember Fall, Remember Raven HERE
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Wrap It Up
One of the few things we can count on every year is the changing of the seasons. Not always on time, with the cold seeming to come in much too soon in the Fall and overstay its welcome far too long into Spring. Though an end to the summer heat is nice and the beauty of the changing leaves is unbeatable, to welcome sub-freezing temperatures is not exactly something we do with open arms. But it is a fact of life and the least we can do is prepare ourselves a bit. This AG scarf seems like a seamless way to introduce into our wardrobes something that will become a staple for the cold months to come.
Bring on the cold. Start HERE.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Four In
Today was a W and that is a good thing. 2 and 2 might not be perfect, but it is something. Through thick thin we are there for those Bears. Do you show your support with Bears gear? If not, you'd better stock up now. If we have a good season on our hands, you'll be sorry you missed out.
Shop Bears HERE
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Friday, September 23, 2011
My Mother Told Me
To Pick The Very Best One And You Are...IT!
(Actually, when I used this selection tool as a kid, I ended it with "Not It" but no one wants to be "Not It" here).
Mother Denim is the brainchild of Tim Kaeding, formerly of 7 For All Mankind, and Lela Tillem, once of Citizens Of Humanity. I am pretty sure that it would be difficult to go wrong with a powerhouse combination like this. And so far, it hasn't gone wrong at all. Since hitting the stores less than one year ago, this brand has already earned the status of cult favorite amongst every kind of girl on the planet - celebrities, fashion insiders, stylists, as well as anyone who loves fashion and adores a good jean.
Especially popular this past summer has been their flare, The Wilder Trouser. Seen and snapped by paparazzi around the world, it is already iconic. But don't let that fool you into thinking this brand is a one hit wonder - they make all kinds of sick styles, including some of the best skinny jeans and colored denim you might ever come across. The brand gives us a look at their gorgeous fall lineup HERE. And if you still find yourself drawn to the original Wilder but need some some styling inspiration, Click HERE and HERE for tips.
The bottom line is, Mother was right - you are the very best one. But only if you are in her jeans!! Shop The Denim Lounge for Mother Denim.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Friday, September 16, 2011
Edgy isn't a word that necessarily creeps into everyone's personal style vocabulary. In fact, many people specifically veer away from this term when dressing each morning. And there is no hating on that - individual preferences are the things that make style so unique, varied, fresh, new, and wonderful! So if this is you - not edgy - keep up the good work. That being said, has a tickling desire to at least try something a little different every crawled its way into your thoughts? Its okay if it hasn't, but just in case it has, this Joe's top is the perfect outlet for your curiosity. Just those fine chains at the shoulder give a style to the top that is not at all tough, but rather, feminine and a little but sultry. Whether you pair it with boyfriend jeans or a pencil skirt, you really can't go wrong.
Don't be shy. Give it a try. HERE
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mad Pax backpacks at first look like something that we shouldn't touch. Spikes jut out at all angles, warning us to either stand back or be attacked. If this is meant as a defense system to keep away homework thieves and the like, while menacing, it won't quite do the trick. The problem is, the bags are so cool that, regardless and rather because of the spikes, everyone wants them.
Lucky for you, a new shipment of Mad Pax has just arrived. So no more eyeing someone else's.
Shop Mad Pax HERE or head into the store for the freshest selection.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Denim Drive
Wanting to do good is a basic component within human beings. We are compassionate. We want what is best, not just for ourselves, but for others as well. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to help others out, perhaps because time or money won't allow it. So here is a very easy way in which you can be of great help to those in need: Starting today, The Denim Lounge is holding a Denim Drive. Bring in any or as many old pairs of jeans as you like and they will be donated to Chicagoland homeless shelters. As a thank you for your kindness, you will receive a discount on any new pair of jeans you buy when you drop your old ones off.
Stop by today - someone will be thanking you for it.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Lucky Sevens
Sevens bring luck in casinos. Usually the only jackpot bigger than a string of sevens is the ever elusive set of cherries. But we like the sevens. We'll take the sevens. Life exists beyond the blacked out walls of those gambler's paradises and in other realms the number seven is associated with equally good things. The day of rest, in religion. A particularly lucky life, in numerology. Of course, there is always the bad to counter the good, and just as we want the sevens in slots, it is nearly forbidden to say the word seven at a craps table. And, in religion, seven can also be seen to represent the seven layers of hell. Tarot gives one interpretation of the Seven of Diamonds to be futility, working hard for nothing.
So, which is it? Do we like seven or do we hate it? I guess it depends on just what it is you believe in.
And speaking of the Seven of Diamonds, 7 Diamonds shirts are the exact opposite of a futile endeavor. You have to do no work to achieve maximum results, a.k.a. looking totally on point. The cut of the shirts is completely flattering, and the various plaid prints really allow you to bring these shirts from daytime work into nighttime play.
Is seven your lucky number?
Shop 7 Diamonds HERE
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Color Me Blind
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Full Color Spectrum - Image Courtesy of MyOpera |
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Mixed Emotions
We all know that the seasons change. Time goes on, and though we are prepared, we are seldom ready. Who wants think more seriously about work (even though we don't get summers off of work, our minds do seem to travel more during these hot months)? Who really wants to start waking up early again for school? It is inevitable but often unwelcome. However, the nice thing about the summer ending is that with it, the heat goes. Cool fall mornings will soon be rolling in and thankfully with that mercurial drop electric bills will also fall. Something else sweet? Summer sales. The season's final farewell always, as expected, brings us deals that last far longer than the short season from whence they came.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A Small ComMINTment
There are people who like pastel colors and there are people who don't. Generally speaking, I easily fall in the latter category, preferring acute color to paleness. But a rising popularity in mint green has emerged and for the first time I am finding myself drawn to a pastel. There is something not-so-sweet about this color, which is really nice because most light shades, especially the pinks and the purples, tend to come off as looking like saccharin sweetener packets and that is just too much of an innocent toothache for me! But this green is a demure, feminine yet strong color that is easily wearable on a majority of skin tones.
Harper's Bazaar ran a little piece on the color, noting the designers who showed it in the Spring runway collections. You can read that HERE. But maybe a good way to dip your foot in that green pool is to try an easy top first, like this Laila Jayde peasant top. The style is easy and wearable with a variety of bottoms - it would really look stunning with extra-faded or even white jeans or cutoffs.
Shop HERE for a minty good time.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A Flare For Flares
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J Brand LoveStory Flare Jeans |
New styles come and go, but we always seem to keep a clutch on the flare jeans. Almost universally flattering, these jeans create a look that is at once sexy, slimming, and chic. To most denim lovers, that combination would seem to be the holy grail of all we look for in a good pair of jeans.
Of course, as humans we cannot often leave things well enough alone and have to constantly meddle with most everything to make it all feel fresh. So there is always a new take on the flare jean - high rise/low rise, faded and holey/crisp, dark and sleek. But that keeps us wanting more. And it continually makes the old pairs that fall to the bottom of our piles relevant and so to resurface them at anytime would not at all be passe. In fact, the older they are, the cooler they are.
My favorite pick for this style? The ever Iconic J Brand LoveStory
Break into a new pair HERE.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, July 11, 2011
Formality Is Just A Formality
Shop Stone Rose HERE
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, July 4, 2011
Freedom...From Paying Full Price!!
On the very first July 4th celebration, we cheered as our country became a free land. Every fourth of July since then, we have honored that freedom with celebrations, gathering with friends and family to feast on grilled food, relax the day away, and end the night with the grandest nighttime entertainment of all - fireworks!
But there is one more way you can enjoy your liberties - by not feeling shackled at paying full price for everything. Everywhere you look, one retailer or another is offering deals this holiday weekend. Of course that includes the Denim Lounge and so what better place to start than here, getting the whole family ready for a day of well dressed relaxation.
Begin Freedom Shopping HERE.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, June 26, 2011
To Each His Own
Everyone has their own style of ease. These are the pieces and looks that we love and would probably wear almost every day if a certain amount of social decency weren't necessary. For some it is the perfect blouse, that goes with any skirt or pair of jeans, and always looks fresh. For others, it is a pair of well loved jeans that could be upwards of ten or even twenty years old, which have fared well as trusted companions throughout the highs and lows of every fashion trend. I have one such pair of jeans (ok I have about five such pairs of jeans) and I really would wear them almost every day if I weren't so concerned that they were going to eventually disintegrate on me. But its nice to have the comfort of knowing that they are always there if I need them. Hopefully you, too, have a trustworthy clothing friend? If not, make a new friendship now that could last a lifetime.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Show Him You Care
Tomorrow is the day that, though he knows it all year long, we like to show Dad just how truly great he is. We love him for who he has been, what he has done, how he has loved us, and that he will always be there for us. You could express all of this gratitude by giving him something like, say, a tie? But that seems just a little bit underwhelming, all things considering. What about a watch, to always remind him of all of the good times you have had (I am sorry, that was cheesy!), or a hat for his favorite team, to make him think of the games that you enjoyed together? Constant reminders like those seem a sure way to his heart, even though you can be sure you are already in it.
Shop for Dad HERE
Happy Father's Day!!
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Friday, June 10, 2011
Deeper Than Blue
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Image from Wikipedia |
Blue is the color of...? Different things to different people. Serenity. Calm. Sadness. Why sadness? That emotion has never connected with that color for me. So I looked it up. Turns out the association of the color blue with sadness is very old indeed. From Greek mythology in fact. Zeus would make rain when he was sad, it was told, and, as blue is often seen as a representation of water, thus the phrase "feeling blue". Other origins also exist, including an equally compelling account from the nautical world, all of which can be read here.
Nevermind these phrases though, for I do not feel sad when I see the color blue. Rather, to me, it means true, clear, refreshing purity. Such crystal-clearness that only peace comes to mind.
What does blue mean to you?
Shop blue HERE.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Thursday, June 2, 2011
See Through Soul
Behind everything, there is something else. Often we take pains to cover up completely, even when its not fully necessary. The depth and intrigue created on the back of this shirt really ask for it to be admired. Lace has its place in certain applications and often, sadly, looks nothing more than outdated. But here, in a back panel, it is quite fresh, without a single hint of antiquity. Plus, being in the back, it makes for a much more wearable way of exposing unexpected skin.
How often is it that you look better going than coming?
Pick up yours HERE.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Thursday, May 26, 2011
In Time For Summer
When the weather really heats up in the summer, humidity and all, generally we aren't in the mood for heavy things. Thick clothing is too much to bear to be sure, and I often even feel as if too much of anything around my wrist is more than I want. Heavy watches and cuffs make my wrists sweat in such a way that I just cannot wait to take them off! Which is why this Funky Junque watch is so ideal. Not only does it look like it belongs to the months of summer, with its shell links that scream beach, but it also does not have that same heaviness that metal sometimes can. It is a simple change that instantly makes you feel lighter.
Get ready for summer HERE.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Locally Speaking
What would you do if suddenly tomorrow all of the streets were lined with strip mall after strip mall of chain restaurants and stores? What if it was impossible to distinguish between one city and the next because they were all so unidentifiably (my word) the same? If you couldn't even tell where the transition from Lakeview to Lincoln Park was or Wicker Park to Bucktown? No newness, no uniqueness, no individuality. I certainly feel as if I would go crazy. It would really be equal to Doomsday. The stifling sadness of sameness would be too much. Which is why...
We should all take care to shop local! Doing business with local, independent business is the thing that keeps them alive, keeps the neighborhoods and the cities alive, and keeps us internally alive. If we want to make sure that Chicago stays Chicago and does not turn into Anytown, USA, we have to support the businesses that are uniquely Chicago. If you want to learn more about this and find out how and where you can get started, check out Local First Chicago.
One such Chicago brand that is doing things right? Henry & Belle. A favorite at The Denim Lounge, this brand not only is locally based but is also active in community efforts.
Is there a better way to look good and feel great?
Shop Henry & Belle HERE.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Funny Name
It is always interesting to think on why brands name themselves the way they do. For instance, Just A Cheap Shirt (a.k.a. J.A.C.H.S.). I mean, I like the name. But using the word "Just" immediately makes you think: nothing fancy. And they really aren't. But they aren't "Just" anything either. They are more than "Just", they are well fitting, well designed, amazingly plaid, well built, great-to-look-at-on shirts. J.A.C.H.S. is modest in name, modest in price but arrogantly forthright in being a sure thing.
Shop J.A.C.H.S. Here
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Stars Light...
... Star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight.
Michael Stars knows what easy chic is and has been doing it right for years. I can't think of anything I would rather wish for than these new pieces that are just right right now.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Proper Attire
Everyone, even the most selfless of us, likes to receive a gift every now and then. And enjoyment of the gift begins before we even open it. Just looking at it, prettily wrapped, hinting at possibilities but giving away nothing, we become excited, anticipations running wild. Many gifts are easily thrown into a gift bag, no wrapping required. This is fine and sometimes the only real solution. Other times, there is wrapping but no bow, ribbon, or other accoutrements. Again, just fine. Nothing wrong with simple. But admittedly I think that adding just a ribbon at least accessorizes and emphasizes the gift to just the right degree. It really completes the package. A really good belt can do the exact same thing for an outfit. Often times jeans and a top look just fine the way they are but can lack a final touch that brings everything together. Or sometimes there is just that dress that always hangs in your closet and rarely gets worn because it looks more like a muumuu than a real dress - shapeless to a fault. Enter the belt again, this time to cinch the waist and emphasize a wonderful figure.
The belt - not always necessary, but rarely wrong.
Find your HERE.
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Linea Pelle "Pyramid Stud Skinny Belt" - Buy it Here |
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Down But Not Out
We rallied in Game Four and so we are still in it. And the Bulls are definitely still in it, at a very nice 2 - 0 series lead. Chicago may not be known as the city of comebacks, but it is known as the city with a pretty good repertoire of serious sports wins - NBA Championships, World Series, Stanley Cup - within the the past 20 or so years of memory. And no matter what, we always have faith.
Whether its "Go Team One" or "Go Team Two", either way we are always behind you.
Shop Blackhawks Here
Shop Bulls Here
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sometimes It Helps
Since jeans became a wardrobe standard, we have constantly been on the hunt for new ways to reinterpret them each season. Invariably this means reinventing the wheel at times, resurfacing styles we donated to Goodwill years ago only to wish we had stored them under the bed instead. Right now? Amongst others, the flare. The funny thing about the flare is that it just cannot stay away for long. Sure, the waistlines fluctuate from high to low at a pretty rapid pace, but overall, the flare is the steadiest denim investment you could hope for. All anyone could talk about three years ago was flares. And then boyfriend fits came along and we forgot a little bit about the flare. And before that, no one can forget in the early two-thousands the True Religion craze, with its more modest flare leg Joey. Before that? Silver Jeans anyone? My point is, you can buy this style of jean and feel comfortable knowing that even if you are sick of them by July they will be fresh again in another three years from now.
There are two pretty good denim guides out there right now that can help you figure out just what to do with any kind of denim at all. It doesn't have to be the flare. Check them out at InStyle (this one is for new ideas besides the flare) and Lucky.
And then shop here for the most solid denim investment you can make.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunrise. Sunset?
Always with fresh expectations and hopes do we rise and begin our day. As the day ensues, for better or for worse, our perspectives usually change. A day can be made better in an instant. Or not. What has the power to influence our moods at the drop of a hat, besides finding out that a tax refund is NOT coming? Sports. Elation upon winning, sourness upon losing. Irrational either way. But there is always hope. And there is always a new day.
Begin your day expectantly here.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Almost There
Though it definitely doesn't always feel like it, Spring is technically here. It's when ice thaws, birds chirp, and hope for summer surges. Often there is also the commonplace "Spring Cleaning", whether it be the emptying out of old knickknacks in the home or old knickknacks in the closet. A clearing out of sins. Past mistakes that at one time seemed like wise choices. Funny how past choices we have made in clothes are symbolic of past regrets in life. But Spring! It is here, life begins anew. And so should you. Make new choices. Shop.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Bomb Top
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Ella Moss "Prima Donna" Top - Buy it Here |
Remember hearing the jingling bells of the ice cream truck when you were a kid? The mad dash to coax money out of your mom or to empty a piggy bank of its last three quarters. And then running madcap down the street to catch up with the truck, winded, wheezing and all of a sudden deliriously hungry for everything cold. My favorite was always the bomb pop. It was kind of citrus-y (especially that middle white) and so totally refreshing in the midst of a hot Chicago summer. And I would be really upset with myself any time my childish hunger would give way to the charms of some new pop featured on the side of the truck. Mad that each and every time it wouldn't live up to the bomb pop. It just couldn't be beat. It was the bomb...pop.
And this top reminds me of it - in a really good and totally not lame way. The colors are very similar other than the substitution of blue for grey. But it is just as refreshing. Light. Perfect in the middle of summer. And something I know I could put on time and time again without ever being disappointed.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Up To Your Ears In It
Ever have those days, those weeks, those years where you feel overwhelmed? When it seems as if the obligations will never be fulfilled, and that only more will pile on? Is this what it means to grow up? More responsibilities? That's what our parents always taught us anyways.
I don't know how I feel about maturing just yet, but I like these Bermuda shorts because they can help me to breathe a bit. Not so confined feeling as pants, these help me to feel as if I am not so overwhelmed all of the time. A casual, soft, breathable no brainer. An oasis of relaxation amidst a whirl of chaos.
Marrakech Raven Clark Shorts - Buy Them Here |
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Friday, March 11, 2011
Coming Soon To A Park Near You
Baseball pre-season is right around the corner. Be it Glendale or Mesa, the hookup of heading to AZ in the still-cool early Spring months is a good enough incentive alone to make a trip out there. Get your game on with Red Jacket's sweet lineup of goods. Styled to fit just right, the tees will keep you cool in the AZ and the hoodies will keep you warm in Chi-Town if you just can't make it out there.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, March 7, 2011
Opposites Don't Detract
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Vintage Havana Boxy Top - Buy it Here |
Some things that many people look for in life...
- Structure, somewhat. Not confining but something solid to adhere to.
- Color, spice, uniqueness, flavor.
- Splurging every now and then on something sinfully rich.
- Living life freely, as one chooses and not per anyone else's directions.
- There is no structure. It is roomy, boxy, chic and unclingy.
- It is white and grey. No color and yet it works with every color palette, every thing.
- At $39.00, it is no splurge, no sinfully outrageous indulgence.
Funny how what we seem to really, at times, like in our clothing can be quite the opposite of much of what we like in life. Paula Abdul had it right. Opposites do attract.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, February 28, 2011
Be Prepared
Whether or not you were ever a part of the Girl Scouts, no doubt you are most likely familiar with their motto: "Be Prepared." I was a scout for many years growing up and it brings back fond memories every year around this time when the cookie sellers come out "en masse" to vend us their goods. And I swear, either I grow a little bit more each year (is that even possible at 29?) or the cookies get a little bit smaller each time around. Seriously. Am I in Wonderland or are you all seeing this too? Either way, they are still delicious and if I have to eat five of them rather than three to get my fill then so be it.
Being prepared doesn't just apply to things like having a first-aid kit on hand. It also applies to other parts of life. Like fashion. How so? Well, if being on trend is important to you, then knowing what looks will be in for the coming season is of the utmost necessity. Shop with the styles in mind and, come Spring, you will be so well prepared that no one will know if you used to be a Scout or not. So what's one trend that we know will be around this season? Colorblocking. We have seen it in seasons past, yes, but it has true staying power and is most definitely still relevant. My pick for this look is this LinQ Colorblocked Sweaterdress. You can kind of do a million things with it and not break a sweat.
Get prepared.
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LinQ Colorblocked Sweaterdress |
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Give Them What They Want...Sometimes
Yes, we know that kids beg and plead and ask for more things than they could ever hope to get. The probability rate for most of them is most likely not more than 50%, meaning half the time they cry, they don't get what they want no matter how many tears they shed! They probably figure that if they try as much as they can, half the time they will get what they want. And so they just keep on begging. But there are times when caving is okay. Maybe they deserve it for those good grades or for winning the soccer tournament. Better yet, maybe flattery will get them everywhere, including into your heart. Wouldn't you give in if they told you they wanted to be just like you? We love them in their pint-sized adult jeans. Don't you? Shop for them here.
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Monday, February 21, 2011
Straight Talk
We like people who give it to us straight. No bull.
We like drinks that are straight up. No ice.
We like ties that sit straight. Not crooked.
So wouldn't it stand to reason that we like jeans that are straight? Of course, there is a time and place for those other styles. But straight jeans always hit the mark. Skinny enough to elongate the legs but open enough at the bottom to work with any style of shoe.
When we aim for something, we want the path to be straight and true. Bullseye.
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Posted by
Madison and Friends
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
And Now...
Valentine's Day has officially passed (though remnants of it may still remain, i.e. half eaten chocolates cookies or, in my case, cupcakes, flowers that may last three more days, hangovers, and you know the rest). Valentine's seems to be the official mark that defines when we really are getting ready to move into Spring. It is like a warmness that first starts in our hearts and eventually it makes its way into the air. Before long, Spring has truly arrived and shorts sleeves abound. We may not be there yet, but we can get ready for it.
Long Live Spring!
Posted by
Madison and Friends
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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