Why is it that New Year's resolutions so often have a hard time sticking? It seems that each year, we continually rededicate ourselves to the exact same resolutions, over and over again (I will start going to the gym, I will stop smoking, etc.), seemingly to no avail. Things don't seem to stick. So I have concocted a list of guidelines that may help you in actually adhering to your resolutions this time around.
Remember past attempts. The only way to be successful this time is not to make the same mistakes twice. Isn't doing the exact same thing over and over again with the expectation of different results the definition of insanity?
Expect nothing less than success. The minute doubt or temptation creeps in, all may very well be lost.
Stick to your guns. Once committed, go through with it. Isn't stopping failure?
Omit negativity. Whether it comes from yourself or someone else, anti-resolution emotions hinder success more than any other obstacles can.
Live life better. Don't you feel more alive?
Validate how far you've come. Step back and take a look at your progress. It is extremely rewarding to realize your results.
Enjoy. You are a new you! And nothing could be finer.
My resolution? NOT to stop shopping. Aaah. I feel better already.
If your resolution is the same as mine, click here to get a jump start on commitment.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Solutions For Resolutions
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