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Monday, November 27, 2006


Dear Customers and Friends,

I am writing this newsletter with a heavy heart. Imagine one day your son or daughter wake up and they say, "my eye hurts". It is later discovered that your lovely daughter has gone blind in one of her eyes. This has just happened to one of our good friends and customers from the Chicago Cubs, Derrick Lee. Derrick and his wife recently discovered that their little girl, Jada, recently has been diagnosed with Lebers Congenital Amaurosis or LCA. LCA is an inherited form of blindness that is usually apparent shortly after birth. It is not currently possible to restore vision to affected people. Derreck, his family and friends have recently started Project 3000. This foundation seeks to identify every person in the United States affected with LCA. You can help...100% of the money raised for this project will be used for genetic testing of LCA patients and for research into the treatment and cure of inherited eye diseases that affect children.

Please go to to make a donation and to see how else you can help. We wish Jada, nothing but the best. She is such a beautiful little girl, full of life. Hopefully, with our help, she along with others will regain their vision.


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